An Industry’s Digital Trade Route: Exploring Decentralized Data Markets

N.E. Siri
3 min readApr 18, 2023

The Caravan’s Tale: A Glimpse into the Camel Industry

The image of a caravan crossing the desolate Dasht-e Kavir desert in Iran evokes memories of camels guiding traders to hidden oases in times of danger. Similarly, modern technology has the potential to unearth concealed treasures amid the vast amounts of data generated by the camel industry.
Drawing comparisons to the ancient Silk Road, where camels were essential for trade and travel in inhospitable environments, decentralized and privacy-preserving data marketplaces may lay the foundation for a new digital trade route within the entire camel network.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) reports that, as of 2018, there were approximately 35 million camels worldwide, indicating the possibility of a significant transformation within the sector.

The Global Camel Industry and Decentralized Data Markets.

Although niche, the camel industry is substantial. Research and Markets estimate the global camel market to be worth approximately $10 billion, including revenue from camel milk ($7 billion), meat, racing, and other related industries.

image from eos-intelligence

Decentralized data markets can facilitate data exchange among various stakeholders in the camel industry, such as breeders, race organizers, data scientists, and finance professionals. Participants may earn tokens, intellectual property rights, and other blockchain-related incentives for utilizing these markets.

Cryptocurrency usage in the Middle East and North Africa increased by 48% between July 2021 and July 2022. Given the focus the International Camel Organization (ICO) of Saudi Arabia and the country’s wealth fund Sanabil’s latest investments in venture capital and cryptocurrency, a decentralized data market for camels may prove to be an intriguing case study.

The Potential Benefits of Decentralized Data Markets.

A decentralized data market could offer a camel-load of benefits, including:

  • Improved breeding programs through genetic analysis
  • Enhanced healthcare by examining health data
  • Optimized feeding strategies based on camel diets and nutritional requirements
  • More efficient resource management practices
  • Better racing performance through data analysis
  • Increased milk production and understanding of camel milk’s health benefits
  • Development of high-quality camel milk-based skincare products

Challenges and Solutions for Implementing Decentralized Data Markets

Promoting collaboration and offering incentives for diverse stakeholders to participate in decentralized data markets without compromising data privacy is crucial, along with education and data standardization. Ocean Protocol’s compute-to-data feature enables secure data sharing and collaboration while preserving data providers’ confidentiality.

It is essential to establish open communication channels and platforms for breeders, race organizers, data scientists, and other professionals to exchange insights and learn from one another’s experiences while employing privacy-preserving technology. Additionally, developing incentive mechanisms, such as token rewards, competitions, and industry recognitions, can motivate stakeholders to actively engage in the data market. By nurturing a strong community of camel enthusiasts and professionals, it becomes possible to harness collective intelligence, address shared challenges, and drive innovation throughout the entire sector.


As camels unintentionally disperse plant seeds throughout the desert, data providers and consumers can collaborate to sow the seeds of progress, promoting growth and uncovering new opportunities. The contemporary camel industry can thrive with valuable insights and innovation through the implementation of decentralized data markets, accelerating positive impact in this revitalized sector.

Resources and Further Information

Visit Ocean Protocol, a World Economic Forum Technology partner to learn all about data markets, compute to data, data predictions using algorithms, forking your own marketplace and more.

Head over to The International Camel Organization (ICO), a non-profit international organization for all camel related information.



N.E. Siri

Building in Web3, emphasis on AI, data & EoT. NFA given.